This is a warning. If you aren't a resident of the Boarding House, then you really shouldn't venture any further on this site. This website is intended to be seen only by my residents. I, their humble and absolutely gorgeous Landlord, would not recommend you clicking that little dancin' furby on the bottom of the page. If you AREN'T a resident, then wait until about three in the morning, and you'll get to meet my old buddy Don. He's a nice dude. I've never met someone with four arms who also happens to have such a gracious personality. But hey, that's just me being a bit too judgmental. Anyway, he'll just visit to politely tell you to stop going on our website. He might even give you one of those granola bars he always keeps in his socks, if you're nice to him.
Well, if you ARE one of my beloved residents, then that's cool. Oh, and if Harper's the one reading this, I'll make sure to give you back Jareth's apron tomorrow. The jackal spilled some of that stupid pumpkin juice all over the front, but I called up Repairman to ask him how to get the stains out. He was sooo mad, but it was sooo funny, LOL.
Anyways, like I said before, you can click on that furbylicious lad below to enter the site. Beware of the bugs, though. If you start feeling itchy, then you'll know for sure whether or not they actually managed to escape their computerized prison. If you feed them some bits and bites of cookies, they'll leave you alone. And by the way, I will NOT be held liable for whatever happens to non-residents who wander onto this site. If you start seeing the Hat Man after coming on here when I deliberately told you not to, then that's your fault. I'm shrugging right now, as I type this. Like, you can't see it, but I'm literally just shrugging repeatedly. Shruggie shrug shrug.